Murray Harbour Baptist Church Pastor’s Report for 2018.

Pastor’s Report 2018
I thank my God every time I remember you. In every prayer for all of you, I always pray with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3-6
Reflecting upon this past year of ministry together, there are many things I am praising God for.
First of all, let me say that we have witnessed the Holy Spirit moving upon people in our community. People are showing a desire to learn more about God and the gospel. We are seeing some of them in church. Let’s continue the conversation with others with the Spirit’s help. Some of those conversations are happening around the table at our Community Connections dinners, which are held once a month during the winter months. I would like to thank our faithful team of volunteers for helping with our Community Connection dinners. We are making tangible connections with people. For this, we give God praise.
We have been blessed to have several families move to the Murray Harbour area in the past few years. It is exciting to welcome some of these folks to our congregation. We have welcomed new people to our membership who are actively involved in our church outreaches. My prayer over the years has been that people will feel they are part of our church family and they will find a place to serve the Lord. Many hands make light work!
I am grateful for the faithful ministry of our children’s and youth program volunteers, including our Sunday School teachers/leaders, Kids Klub volunteers and VBS volunteers. It is exciting to witness children learning about Jesus and growing in their faith! I am also so thankful for our deacons and the many people who serve in the various ministries and committees of our church, and for those who serve in other ways, whether through action or prayer.
We have been blessed to experience God’s grace in the various seasons of life. We have celebrated births in our community. Some of you went through the waters of baptism as a sign of your faith in Christ. God’s faithfulness is evident in our lives in all the seasons. Even in the times of grief and tragedy we have experienced the peace of God. This peace was felt as we were there for each other as a family and community. It has been difficult to say goodbye to our loved ones who were always there for us. The hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord makes all the difference, and comforts us in our sorrows. God is there in all the seasons of life.
Missions at home and abroad remain in focus for our congregation. We were blessed to have Mike and Melanie Waddell, CBM missionaries to the Philippines, visit Murray Harbour with an update. The service was well attended and we were able to reaffirm our partnership with the Waddells. We also hosted mission teams for our foreign workers this year. Behind the scenes, this mission outreach appears to be bearing much fruit. Praise the Lord!
As we begin a new year together, I am grateful for your support and prayers for our family. Murray Harbour Baptist Church is a place we call home. Let’s do our best to make the most of 2019. With God’s help, let’s partner together as we serve the Lord in our area!

Pastor Scott

Pastor’s Report 2017

Pastor’s Report for 2017
I thank my God every time I remember you. In every prayer for all of you, I always pray with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3-6

All hands on deck!
2017 was a year at our church that required all hands on deck. As the gospel work continues in Murray Harbour and abroad, I am grateful for your partnership and prayers. God has been on the move this year, and this has given us the opportunity to be actively involved in His work. Let me share with you a few highlights from 2017.
First of all, let me say that we have witnessed the Holy Spirit moving upon people in our community. People are showing a desire to learn more about God and the gospel. We are seeing some of them in church. Let’s continue the conversation with others with the Spirit’s help.
Secondly, the Lord has given us the desire and the means to be involved in missions at home and overseas. We have been blessed to partner with the Waddell family as they serve in the Philippines. It will be exciting to hear an update from them this coming June. Here at home, we have been blessed to host a sincere Chinese pastor named Nelson Wong. He has been able to help us to make connections with our temporary foreign workers in Murray Harbour. We continued our English as a Second Language class and are blessed to have workers showing up on any given Sunday while they are here. Sometimes after services, I have been able to pray with our friends. We have witnessed several professions of faith through various outreaches this year.
Thirdly, we have enjoyed an increased sense of community and connections through barbecues and dinners. Thank you to everyone who takes an active role in the community connection dinners. They are a great opportunity to get to know new people. We are finding that people desire a connection with others.
Fourthly, we have been blessed to have several families move to the Murray Harbour area this year. It is exciting to welcome some of these folks to our congregation. My prayer is that they are able to find they are part of our church family here.
As we begin a New Year together, I am grateful for your support and prayers. Murray Harbour Baptist Church is a place we call home. I would invite us all to feel at home in God’s presence. Let’s do our best to make the most of 2018. Let’s lean into God for His help and strength. My prayer is that we would be “all hands on deck” working together for the glory of God and the furtherance of the gospel in Murray Harbour.
Love and prayers,
Pastor Scott Herring